Intro in English
The Insurance Complaints Board

The Insurance Complaints Board is a private complaints board authorized by the Danish Minister for Business and Growth.

It was established in 1975 subject to an agreement between the Danish Consumers' Advisory Council and the Danish Insurance Association. 



Complaints may concern any legal issues arising from the relation between the customer and the insurance company. However, the dispute must concern an issue relating to the law of property and obligations, which means that it has to be of a financial nature. Complaints regarding ethical issues solely are outside the scope of our competence.

As a main rule the complaints board will only consider complaints concerning insurances taken out by private individuals (consumer insurance).

The Insurance Complaints Board does not deal with complaints which come within the scope of the remit of a public authority or another appeal or complaints board. Nor does it handle issues which have been settled by a final judgment, validly binding arbitration or court settlement.


Complaints form and complaint fee

Your complaint must be submitted in writing using the form which can be downloaded here:

Download complaints form ​as PDF document 


Relevant documentation must be enclosed together with a complaint fee of DKK 300.


You may also use home banking:

Giro account 9078630, form type code 01.

  • Ankenævnet for Forsikring
  • Østergade 18, 2.
  • 1100  København K
  • Telefon +45 33 15 89 00 (kl. 10.00-13.00)
  • CVR: 84699128